Daily reminder: pray first
Community driven nonprofit on a mission to help people. Let's make a difference together.
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Community driven nonprofit on a mission to help people. Let's make a difference together.
Alberto's Kids 501(c)(3), supported by the Alberto’s Pizza Shop family and board members, is a nonprofit organization committed to helping children and families. With a passion for making a positive impact, we can provide essential resources, organize community fundraisers, host benefits for food, clothing, and supplies to those in need. From spreading holiday cheer to offering year-round support, together, we work to uplift and serve others.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.
On July 2024, ALBERTO'S KIDS was officially established. However, our journey began in 2018 with the opening of Alberto’s Pizza Shop Port Orange, where our family has been dedicated to serving our community more than delicious food. Angelina Strickhouser, the President and CEO of Alberto's Kids, is driven by a deep-seated passion to serve God through helping others. Having been a recipient of generosity in her own childhood, she considers it a privilege to pay it forward and inspire others to do the same. In addition to the pizza shop, she is a nurse and educator so helping people has always been a mission. Alongside her is her husband, Alberto. He is a fierce leader and entrepreneur. The hands in the logo are their children's. Together, they have a strong emphasis on giving back to the community that has supported them.
Collaborating with individuals and small businesses has been an integral part of their philanthropic journey. By founding a nonprofit dedicated to supporting local children, we not only address critical needs but also demonstrate our dedication to social responsibility. This approach brings benefits on two fronts: we build a positive legacy by improving the lives of young people, ensuring they have the resources and support necessary for success, and we also position ourselves as leaders committed to driving social impact. Furthermore, this approach allows us to cultivate valuable partnerships with like-minded individuals and gain access to potential funding and resources that can further amplify our impact.
We are blessed to have a team of volunteers who support the mission to help
We are proud to partner with a variety of local organizations and businesses to provide the best possible support to our community. Our partners help us extend our reach and impact in the community. Interested in helping? Just ask.
We will get back to you within 24-48 hours